News & Updates

Project Smile: On the Power of the Youth

PhotoCredit: Sam Tamayo - Project Smile History is filled with youth movements that have sparked change in the world. From the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, to the events at Tiananmen Square, to the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, to modern...

Empowering Africa

PhotoCredit: ROMAN ODINTSOV.  I read the second edition of The State They’re In by Matthew Lockwood, a book which examines African poverty's causes and politics to propose better aid, trade, and debt policies. It also covers the 2005 Gleneagles G8 and WTO summit...

Finding middle ground: Perspectives on sustainable living in rural Italy

I recently spent nine months traveling up mountains and along coasts to investigate why and how young people are choosing to farm for a living in Calabria, a southern region of Italy known for having lots of land but increasingly less people and even fewer jobs. I met...
[Un]lost in Translation

[Un]lost in Translation

PhotoCredit: Pavel Danilyuk.  The evening the pregnant woman stopped me a block away from my apartment in the French Quarter was a typical early pandemic evening. There were only a few people walking or running around, some cycling. The sun was setting, painting the...

Making Sustainability Trendy

Making Sustainability Trendy

PhotoCredit: ready made.   I do not know about the places where you live, but in Denmark, where I live, it seems another trend of clothes or food or technology or whatever swoops over the country every three months. Last winter, in a turn of events, that to me, seemed...

Something about truth

Something about truth

PhotoCredit: Photo By:  When on the topic of climate change and other environmental and sustainable issues attitudes connected with doomism, escapism and denialism are never far away. What connects these isms is the inclination towards a passive...

Why avocados also suck

Why avocados also suck

PhotoCredit: Lisa Fotios.  The truth is that I really, truly, deeply love avocados, and I want to eat guacamole with everything all the time. However, we all know (and this is especially true when you live in Scandinavia) that avocados are an exotic, expensive,...

Something about truth vol. 2

Something about truth vol. 2

PhotoCredit: Olena Bohovyk.  Another way to hold off the denialists and keeping them from stealing our reality, turning everything we want to see as facts into government lies while continuing to gaslight the basic concept of truth is to start doubting our own ideals...

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